Explorer, the much-anticipated feature on Carbon DeFi, allows users to search by wallet address or specific token pair and easily duplicate strategies with the highest ROI!

<a href="https://medium.com/media/f27476ae82daa5c1e2e92818e1cdf52c/href">https://medium.com/media/f27476ae82daa5c1e2e92818e1cdf52c/href</a>

On the Explorer page, users have the option to browse information in two different options:


Overview cards are displayed for each strategy associated with the specific wallet address or token pair. Each overview card shows the token pair, ID number, strategy status, ROI, and prices and budgets for each order. Each overview card also offers two management options, Duplicate Strategy and Manage Notifications. Duplicating a strategy allows a maker to copy the strategy’s trading pair and current prices set for each order, with the ability to fund and manage their own orders as they choose.

Interested in seeing how often a specific strategy is being traded against? Manage Notifications allows users to receive notification updates each time a taker interacts with the strategy.


Portfolio displays a breakdown of tokens and value distribution across strategies. The breakdown includes individual tokens, what percentage of the portfolio each token represents, the token quantity, and the token value in USD. In addition, a pie chart is produced as a visual representation of the data.

My Strategy

The second new feature just added is found on the My Strategies page. Makers may now also sort their own strategies by ROI!

Carbon DeFi Dune Dashboard

The best way to find wallet addresses for strategies with the highest ROI is by visiting the Carbon DeFi Dune Dashboard. Simply copy the wallet addresses or token pairs displayed on the dashboard, search with the new Explorer feature, and hopefully start seeing results like theirs become your own!

And remember, there are currently no fees for strategy makers on Carbon DeFi, tokens only trade at the prices determined by the strategy maker, and maker’s receive zero slippage and pay zero gas fees when trades are executed!

For more on Carbon DeFi check out the links below.

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Interested in collaborating with Carbon DeFi? We’d love to hear from you. Please reach out at bizdev@Bancor.network

New Carbon DeFi Explorer and More are Live! was originally published in CarbonDeFi on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.