To judge whether a coin is likely to rise, it mainly depends on two aspects:

1. Is there a big fund behind it

Those "dealers" who are able to pull the price usually have strong financial strength. They will not easily make a move for a small profit, but pay more attention to long-term and greater benefits. They are willing to invest a lot of money to raise the price of the coin, which naturally provides the possibility for the price to rise.

2. Whether there is continuous community support and enthusiasm

The so-called "leeks" are actually the vast number of investors and community members. Whether they are willing to continue to invest money and continue to pay attention to this coin depends mainly on whether the story of the project can attract them, and whether there is enough content and motivation to make them believe in the potential of this coin. Just like a popular TV series, as long as the story continues to be exciting, the audience will continue to follow it.

If a coin has neither a continuously attractive story or project progress, nor a big fund to support it, then its prospects are quite worrying. Just like a TV series that ends in only three episodes, even if it is very attractive at the beginning, because there is no follow-up content, the audience will soon lose interest.

Therefore, for those projects that seem to be just short-term hype and have no actual value support, investors must be cautious. If you want to make money from such a project, it is as difficult as pulling teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

#以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国6月CPI大幅降温