According to TechFlow, on July 17, according to official news, MEET48, in cooperation with CoinPost, LY Corporation's subsidiary LINE NEXT Inc. and TST ENTERTAINMENT CO., LTD, will co-host the official opening party "Fantasy Bull Market Night" of Asia's largest Web3 conference WebX2024 in Tokyo, Japan on August 27.

As a metaverse virtual community based on AI and WEB3.0's diversified UGC entertainment content ecology, MEET48 is holding the "2024 GIPR" global Web3.0 idol popularity ranking voting event, where fans vote to determine the performers, including SNH48, the youth girl group with the most fans in the Chinese-speaking region, and virtual idols. SNH48 will present an audio-visual feast that combines Web3 technology and entertainment elements at the official opening party. NFT tickets for the official opening party will be available on DOSI on July 18, including special benefits such as admission tickets.