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🚨 🚨🚨Breaking news! 🚨🚨🚨

Craig Wright was forced to admit that he was not the father of Bitcoin

Craig Wright, who has long claimed to be the founder of Bitcoin, "Satoshi Nakamoto", has recently suffered a legal blow. He was ordered by the court to publicly declare on his website that he is not the real inventor of Bitcoin, and this statement needs to be kept for up to six months. This move undoubtedly lifted the veil of deception that Wright has long been using and his scandal of using forged documents in court.

Industry giants join forces to put an end to false statements

Behind this decision is a lawsuit filed by COPA, which is supported by giants in the cryptocurrency industry, including well-known figures such as Jack Dorsey and Coinbase. Their purpose is clear: to put an end to Wright's false statements about himself being the founder of Bitcoin and to maintain the authenticity and fairness of the industry.

The judge sternly warned that perjury charges may be coming

What is even more remarkable is that British judge James Mellor not only severely criticized Wright in his verdict, but also suggested potential perjury charges against Wright and his accomplices. This suggestion undoubtedly adds more uncertainty and legal risks to Wright's future.

The legend of Satoshi Nakamoto has made waves again, and the public is looking forward to the truth

The public's reaction to the latest developments in the legend of Satoshi Nakamoto is warm and complicated. On the one hand, people are excited about the decisive actions of the courts and industry giants; on the other hand, they also expect more truth to surface and unveil the mystery of the true founder of Bitcoin. In any case, this incident has undoubtedly once again triggered people's deep thinking about the authenticity and transparency of the cryptocurrency industry.

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After the market fell sharply, Daxian also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

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