For the current market situation of LUNC, the bullish trend at the daily level is obvious. We should pay close attention to the support strength of the daily long-short key point 0.00007606.

As long as the price fails to effectively fall below this position and fluctuates above this level, we can continue to be optimistic.

At the same time, if the 4-hour chart can firmly occupy the high ground of 0.00008354, it is likely to become the starting point of a new wave of rising market. #LUNC\USDT #美联储何时降息? #LUNC

In this rising channel, the upper resistance is expected to be around 0.00008784, 0.00009414 and 0.00009945, and we need to be prepared in time.

However, the market is changing rapidly. If the long-short power comparison on the 4-hour chart reverses and the price falls below the key support, the strategy should be adjusted quickly and the purple dot on the 1-hour chart will appear, which will be a clear signal to enter the short position.

At this time, the important support area below will fall between 0.00007988 and 0.00007606. $BTC $LUNC