How to get the Binance wallet KiloEx airdrop🪂The total reward is 3.75 million tokens?

Preparation: First withdraw 20usdt from the exchange, select op_bmb to link to the Binance web3 wallet. It won't work if it's less. Many people say that a few u is enough, which is nonsense. Task 1 can deposit 1u, but Task 2 can't open a position if the money is less. The whole task fee is very small, and there is a little loss in opening the contract for Task 2.

Invitation code: user09 Copy it first

After the u is withdrawn, start the task.

1 Open the Binance web3 wallet, find the kilex event and participate immediately. After entering the official website of Task 1, don't rush to do the task. After linking the wallet, click the upper right menu to enter the invitation rebate, pull down to bind the invitation code first, and then click the upper right menu to earn coins after binding, as shown in the picture, click Deposit, it is recommended to deposit 10u, or 1u.

2After completing task 1, click the menu transaction in the upper right corner. When you enter the transaction page, the default is the BTC contract page. You can also choose other currencies. Adjust the leverage to 20 times and the position to 101u. You can go long or short. Anyway, close the position at the market price immediately. Opening and closing positions will connect to the wallet authorization.

After completing task 2, you can go to the invitation rebate menu to collect the rebate fee, and finally return to the web3 wallet activity page to verify the two tasks, and it will be completed.