Most people think that the cryptocurrency world is to enter with 10,000 yuan, wait for 4 years of Bitcoin's crazy bull market, make dozens of times, and then leave.

However, I say this is the real state of the cryptocurrency world! !

In fact, if you buy Bitcoin with 10,000 yuan, you will always think about the rise of Bitcoin, and always open the exchange to check your balance. Unwilling to buy and sell, the coins in your hand will become less and less.

The value is around 1,000-6,000. You will check the price of the coin when you wake up at night, and finally you can't help but cut your losses with 5,000 yuan.

At this time, watching yourself toss from 10,000 yuan to 5,000 yuan, you are unwilling, you are unhappy, and you are still thinking about how to get back your money. Looking left and right and reading various articles on the Internet that Bitcoin has not reached 1 million per coin, you joined the so-called community, followed to learn contracts, and went long in the bear market. Seeing that the direction was wrong, you still did not repent and carried it.

Seeing that the principal is getting less and less, you borrow money everywhere to prepare for the contract to turn around. I calculated in my mind that I would open a 10x contract. As long as I get 10% of the market right once, my assets would double. The calculator in my hand calculated how many coins I could have. In the bull market of 2025, Bitcoin would be 300,000 US dollars per piece. How much would I be worth? As you calculated, the contract in your hand was liquidated, and your heart was cold. You covered your face and thought about where to get the money.

One word is omitted here . . . . .

You got the money and entered the contract again. Losses again and again make you more and more numb. You never consider whether you can pay off your debts. You think you are the most awesome person. You always think you are superior to others. You are arrogant from the bottom of your heart. You don’t accept anyone. You think every day that you can make 10 million in the bull market.

This is the real state of most people in the currency circle.

At present, the bull market is surging, and we share passwords every day.

Again, I don’t know what to do in the bull market. Click on my avatar and follow me. Bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It's better to pay attention than to guess.

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