I received an inquiry yesterday. A person who sold U had all his bank cards frozen. The uncle called me three days later. As a result, uncles in other places, the place where the card was opened, and the uncles in the place of residence were investigating the case at the same time.

After 40 minutes of communication, I helped him sort out the process involved in the case. We follow the same process for every fan who consults us. After you pay for the consultation, our legal department will communicate with you by phone as soon as possible to help you sort out the process involved in the case, so that you can use it to write materials later.

On January 22, the victim commissioned her friend Ms. Li, who was engaged in mining machines in real life, to sell more than 41,000 U. Ms. Li posted the sales information on her circle of friends, and a person named Zhang San contacted Ms. Li and first transferred 300,000 yuan to the victim's Industrial and Commercial Bank of China account.

The victim was busy, so Ms. Li used her own U to transfer the money to Zhang San first. The victim then transferred U to Ms. Li in the evening. The two of them were real friends who trusted each other.

As a result, the victim found that his bank card was frozen that evening, but he didn't feel anything. On the 25th, the Criminal Investigation Brigade of Tangshan, Hebei Province contacted the victim directly and said he was suspected of fraud and asked him to go over for investigation. The victim definitely didn't dare to go there since he was in Chengdu, so he was summoned by the police station in Chengdu where the card was opened.

I took a written statement, signed two-card commitment letters, and went home to await investigation.

The next day, the police station in my registered place of residence went through the same process.

The next day, all bank accounts under your name could not be used.

This is a typical mismatch between cognition and wealth. The victim used to make money by following others to make mining machines, new stocks, and inscriptions. This was because he was led by someone, and he was indeed following the big guy to make some money. The money he made before was all sold directly through the big guy, and there was nothing wrong with it.

But it only takes one incident to make you lose all your money. Zhang San, who bought his U, was beaten up the next day and he couldn't contact him afterwards.

For example, in this case, the victim was put on the card-cutting disciplinary list and was involved in a criminal case. These are all small matters and can be explained clearly.

But I will write down the consequences of being on the card-cutting punishment list to see if you can bear it:

You will be punished for your credit for the rest of your life and you will not be able to get loans to buy cars or houses. You will be restricted from leaving the country, and all bank accounts under your name will be controlled. You can only use cash and cannot start a company. You can't even open a small shop and create a QR code for payment. You are basically socially dead.

Please understand that this cannot be eliminated by cutting off the card for five years. The cutting off the card is a punishment given to you by the People's Bank of China, and the two cards are labels given to you by the uncle system. The money from selling the coins must be refunded, and retail investors really lose all their money.

Do you think this is the end? You want to file a complaint, but do you know the cost?

Ask a lawyer (legal affairs): Let me tell you, there is no professional lawyer team on the entire Internet to appeal against card disconnection and punishment. You will most likely be cheated (I was cheated out of 7,000 yuan in upfront fees by a team of lawyers led by a well-known Internet celebrity named Liu in Shanghai). After they call you a few times, they will say they can’t find the problem and the matter will be left unresolved.

They will help you sign the so-called unfreezing card agreement, with an initial fee of 10,000 yuan plus a final payment of 10-20% of the unfreezing amount. The cost is about 50,000 yuan. Please note that this is the cost of unfreezing the bank card, not the cost of lifting the card suspension penalty.

Because there is no legal team on the entire Internet that has the ability to remove your two cards on your own.

If you have read the articles about how my team has lifted the two-card penalties many times, you can also file an appeal if you do your own research. I am only telling you the costs and difficulties you will encounter.

The solution is:

1. I go to the frozen place to take a statement, and take with me all the information, legal opinions, and situation statements. Do not delete the chat history, as it is your only evidence. It is best to record the chat history on video and burn it to a CD.

Cost: 3,000 yuan for round trip tickets, 1,000 yuan for a week's accommodation (cheaper), 1,000 yuan for food, a total of 5,000 yuan.

2. Ask the competent authority in the frozen area to unfreeze your bank account.

You must go to Tangshan, where the money is frozen, to unfreeze the bank card first. The cost is basically to negotiate with the victim. If you can pay 100,000 yuan out of 300,000 yuan, you can basically get a letter of forgiveness. Of course, you can also argue and say that you got it in good faith from a third party and no compensation will be given, but your uncle will never unfreeze your bank card.

Cost: If you hire a professional lawyer, you can file a complaint, but the prerequisite is that he must be a lawyer in a professional field, not the kind of lawyer who just memorizes laws. The fee required here is a commission fee of 50,000 yuan plus a lawyer's travel expenses of 10,000 yuan. If you hire a lawyer, you don't need to go yourself. The total cost is 60,000 yuan.

3. Ask the competent authority in the freezing area to issue you a certificate of non-involvement in the case and stamp it.

If you go by yourself, you won't be able to get the certificate, then all your previous efforts will be in vain and all the following steps will not be able to proceed.

Don't worry, the lawyer can't help you get this certificate. If you ask him to get it for you, the lawyer's fee may increase by 20,000 to 50,000 yuan. Why is it so expensive? Because he can't get it, and he wants to use the high fee to dissuade you.

Why didn't the uncle give you this certificate? Because as long as this certificate is issued, it can prove that you did not participate in illegal activities. So going back to the beginning, freezing your card was wrong. Do you want the authority to admit the mistake and apologize to you? What if you apply for compensation and seek accountability?

You are no longer involved in the case, so what is the money you are giving back to the victim? Do you want to get it back from him?

Well, all your links are stuck here. The freezing agency has unfrozen your bank card, but the card-cutting penalty was not imposed on you by others, so you can only look for the agency that imposed it.

I can tell you that it was the authority in your place of residence that punished you for having two cards. You went to the local anti-fraud center, but they ignored you. You went to the household registration office? Sorry, they ignored you. Some authorities directly told you that they did not punish you by cutting off your cards.

Yes, you said that the uncle in your place of residence has cut off your card as punishment, you have to provide evidence. It is not that you can get it just because you say so. They may have given you a "label of person involved in two-card case". There is only this one difference, and there is nothing you can do about it.

In order to get the evidence of who put the two card labels on you, you need to go to the highest authority, which takes about 60 days. What is the economic cost? I don't know and I am embarrassed to tell you.

At this time, you can do the fourth step. After you have obtained evidence of who gave you the double card or card disconnection penalty, you can go to the uncle in your registered residence to report the appeal and remove the label for you.

You have to provide a "Certificate of Non-involvement in the Case", and you are in an endless loop again. If you get this certificate of non-involvement from the legal team, unfreeze your bank card, and based on your criminal record (sorry if you have a criminal record...), as well as the political review materials, then go to the neighborhood committee, police station, township, or property management company to stamp it.

I am exhausted just writing out this process, and I can’t even calculate the cost, but when you submit it for approval, people can veto it. . . .

There is a high probability that you will be stuck at the stage of not being able to obtain the certificate of non-involvement. Of course, this is still the good faith behavior of the third party whose U-selling was frozen. If you really have your points run or your loan has been swiped, don't even think about it. You can't get it released. First, you don't have the financial strength, and second, you have already taken out a loan and can't even get the consulting fee. You can't even take the first step, right?

After an hour of communication, the user said that he would hire a lawyer to handle the matter and hoped that he could handle the direct matter smoothly.

Finally, there is no professional lawyer team on the market to solve this kind of problem. Don't be someone else's guinea pig. You may spend money but still can't solve the problem. But if you really don't listen to advice and insist on finding a lawyer to solve it, then add a clause when signing the contract:

If the card-disconnection penalty and credit penalty (the two-card person involved label) cannot be lifted, the lawyer needs to refund the full amount and bear all expenses. See if there are still lawyers who take your order, they make money from the initial fees.

Unfreezing a bank card or appealing against a card cessation punishment is a very complicated and tedious process, involving various personnel from banks, risk control, anti-fraud centers, public security organs, criminal investigation, economic investigation departments, etc. If you do not understand the process and the details of the processing logic, it is easy to fail to unfreeze the card due to a wrong step, which may backfire in the end, which is even more troublesome.

What do you think the cost of appealing a card suspension is? Feel free to leave a message to discuss.