The second half of this round of bull market has begun. How should retail investors enter the market?

Today's market trend is very split. Half of the people think that it is just a rebound after the Trump incident and insist on being bearish; the other half think that the bull market is back

Especially the potential selling pressure of 138,900 big cakes in Mentougou, the market fluctuations in the next period of time will be very large. In addition, this round of market trend is relatively urgent, and there is a need for adjustment, which makes retail investors jump back and forth under extreme emotions and constantly question their own judgment.

The divergence will be more serious in the foreseeable future:

ETH ETF will start trading on the 23rd

Trump attends Bitcoin Conference

Mentougou begins transfer test, huge selling pressure

Liquidity is seriously insufficient

To get rid of the influence of emotions, we need to think and judge from a longer-term perspective (the next year). Caishen believes that we only need to grasp two points:

- The most relaxed crypto regulatory environment in history

- Continuous capital inflow of ETFs

Supporting crypto is no longer just Trump's slogan. For Trump and the vice president, supporting crypto is financial innovation, their political label, and their political foothold. They cannot give up this position.

In such a political environment, crypto regulation will gradually become transparent, paving the way for the batch entry of institutions and retail investors, and more and more crypto-friendly banking businesses will emerge.

In addition, more and more ETFs will be approved. The batch approval of ETFs is inevitable and irreversible, which directly opens up the bridge between traditional funds and the crypto circle.

There is another point that I think is the most critical. A good regulatory environment can allow traditional institutions such as BlackRock, Morgan, and Citi to enter this industry with confidence and boldness, and promote capital/financial innovation.

The next six months is the second half of this round of bull market, and it has just begun. Trump's shooting incident just happened to trigger the market in the second half. Caishen's judgment on the market in the second half is still firm and bullish. The current judgment is very important. If the judgment is wrong, it is very likely that the entire second half will be missed.

I hope Caishen's fans will read this long article carefully and repeatedly. The bull market train can only drive a small number of people. I am preparing to ambush a potential coin in the near future. Leave 6 comments in the comment area and bring fans for free

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