Notice, urgent notice! The market has a warning of a big short position in Mentougou! Hold off for now! Follow the kong and then do it!

The bulls were hit hard! The Mentougou mine exploded. 44,500 BTC were transferred in a few minutes, while Germany only had more than 40,000 in a week. What a concept, my friends! And these 44,500 are just appetizers. It is also necessary to distribute 142,000 BTC, 143,000 BCH, and 69 billion yen to creditors. Think about it, what a concept. If this is smashed into the market, the bull market that has just rebounded for one day, how can it withstand the release of the cold air of minus 10°!

According to the current ETF buying digestion level, it will take at least one month to dilute. The big mine of Mentougou, which has been pressing on the market for 10 years, has finally come. Now the Mentougou chain holds 139,000 BTC! It continues to affect the crypto circle. It is unknown when it will be released! The dog dealer will definitely use this news to wash a wave! This is inevitable!

Therefore, under the current bullish mood, it is not impossible to use the selling sentiment to create a big waterfall. In terms of operation, first calmly judge the market dynamics before entering the market. Personally, I suggest that the current sentiment is still relatively weak, and we have to continue to think about it!

Monday afternoon thinking

Big cake, 63500 箜, look at the 62000-60800 area duo

Ether, 3410 箜, look at the 3260-3180 area without breaking duo

Calmly judge, the news is too exciting, don’t be blindly confident!

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