Users of the popular mini-app Hamster Kombat began to complain en masse that the game stopped launching. In response to the players' messages, the developers promised to fix everything in the near future. "We are aware of the problems with the Hamster Kombat app and are working to restore it as quickly as possible," the statement said. A few hours later, the app became available to players again. Let us remind you that in Hamster Combat, users need to click on the picture of a hamster as quickly as possible, or in other words, "tap the hamster." For each click, the player can expect to receive in-game currency. Telegram founder Pavel Durov promised the community that an airdrop of tokens will take place in the near future, which will be available to owners of in-game coins. Earlier, co-founder and CEO of the Web3 Eldarune gaming studio Can Picak compared the mechanics of token clickers like Hamster Combat to a financial pyramid. The businessman doubted the reliability of the economic model of "tapping games"

link to the game (install chrome)

they recently reported that everything was fixed