Compiled by: TechFlow

The attempted assassination of Trump will have far-reaching consequences, including for the cryptocurrency market. I expected a massive market crash in 2025, but I didn’t expect this event to be the trigger, especially since the assassination attempt was so successful.

Now, let's look at how this all happened.

Yesterday's event was the first of three phases of a market crash. Let me explain it to you in detail.

1. Trump assassination attempt - July 2024

With this incident, the US presidential election is almost settled. As long as nothing else bad happens to Trump before November 5, he will win the election.

If you have any doubts about this, consider the failed assassination attempt on Reagan in 1981. He won the 1984 election in a landslide.

2. Trump becomes president - November 2024

As you can see, Trump has many enemies. They have tried various ways to stop him, but his odds have never been better.

Let's say he wins the election. What happens next?

There are many ways to make life difficult for Trump after the election. No president has complete control over the ultimate instrument of power, the market.

3. Massive market crash - 2025

The best way to get back at Trump would be to crash the market during his second term.

This way, he will take all the blame for the crash and will have to fix it. The market is ready for a massive crash. The S&P 500 hit a new record just last week.

In my opinion, it will continue to break records until the US election is over.

Then the hammer fell.

When exactly? No one knows, but 2025 is a good year in terms of cryptocurrency cycles.

How to prepare?

Typically, crypto bull runs don't last more than two years, and we don't have much time after 2024. A Trump victory is bullish for crypto. Try to take advantage of this (i.e. sell), but I don't think it will last long.

There could also be one last market rally in early 2025, but the risk of a crash is higher then and you could get stuck if you don't time it right. Bear markets always start in the frenzy of market tops. Remember that.

At the end of this cycle, you only need to hold three assets: Bitcoin, Gold, and the U.S. Dollar. Anything else will underperform over the next two years. You can read more about this in this article.

Whether or not Trump wins is somewhat inconsequential to the crypto cycle, but his victory makes the 2025 crash more likely. The question is, will Bitcoin be a safe haven in times of crisis like this or will it crash with it?


Everything in crypto, markets, and life is based on probability. Nothing is certain, but the above scenarios become more likely with each stage of confirmation. If Trump wins the election, be prepared for a market crash. I will revisit these assumptions at the end of 2024.