The first bull run occurred from October to December 2017, lasting only two months. During this period, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) soared from $7,453 to $19,822, an increase of 165%! The price of Ethereum (ETH) also rose from $293 to $1,420, an astonishing 384%! However, the subsequent bear market lasted from December 2017 to December 2018, a full year. During this period, the price of BTC plummeted from $19,822 to $3,155, a drop of 84%! ETH also fell from $1,420 to $82, a drop of 94%!

The second bull run followed, lasting six months from December 2018 to June 2019. During this period, the price of BTC rebounded from $3,155 to $13,971, an increase of 342%! The price of ETH also rose from $82 to $367, an increase of 348%. But then it entered a bear market again, from June 2019 to March 2020, a period of nine months. The price of BTC fell from $13,971 to $3,791, a drop of 73%! ETH also fell from $367 to $87, a drop of 76%!

The third bull market lasted longer, from March 2020 to November 2021, a full 20 months. During this period, the price of BTC soared from $3,791 to $69,040, an increase of 1,821%! The price of ETH also rose from $87 to $4,871, an astonishing increase of 5,598%! However, the subsequent bear market has lasted from November 2021 to the present (less than a year so far), and the prices of both BTC and ETH have fallen sharply.

The start time of the fourth bull market is tentatively set to be November 2022, and it is expected to last until about March 2024, which lasts about 16 months. During this period, the price of BTC has risen from $15,450 to a tentative $73,787, an increase of 477%! The price of ETH will also rise from $881 to a tentative $4,092, an increase of 464%. As for the next bear market and the specific price trends of BTC and ETH, it is still uncertain. In addition, key factors such as the Fed's interest rate cuts, the general election, and the trading of Ethereum spot ETFs still need to be paid attention to. The market boom continues! We predict that the price of Bitcoin is expected to reach $73,787, but this is not the peak of this bull market. Similarly, the price of Ethereum at around $4,092 will not be the end. We look forward to the market breaking historical records again and reaching new heights in the second half of the year and even next year.

The above information is for sharing purposes only and does not constitute any form of investment advice. Investment is always accompanied by risks. Please carefully consider before entering the market and do sufficient research and preparation. Please treat market dynamics rationally and do not blindly follow the trend or listen to unconfirmed news. Let us look forward to and carefully participate in this financial market full of opportunities and challenges! #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #币安7周年 $BTC