🚨🚨The Market's irrelevance Behavior🚨🚨

In a bull market, the market often behaves irrationally, and by that, I mean bizarre and illogical events tend to occur. Let me give you some examples.

During the last bull market, NFTs gained immense popularity. Digital images of monkeys sold for millions despite having no intrinsic value. Similarly, "shitcoins" skyrocketed by 100x in just days without any substantial backing.

We're witnessing similar irrational behavior in the current bull market. People are heavily investing in memecoins that hold no real value. The worst part is that many investors are bullish on these coins, putting in all their capital only to face significant losses. Dozens have messaged me on Twitter, showing their portfolios and admitting that following crypto influencers pushing trending coins leads to consistent losses.

This is what I mean by an irrational market: senseless investments and actions are rampant. Thankfully, crashes during bull markets serve a purpose. They bring naive investors back to reality. After suffering losses, they start to learn from their mistakes. It's unfortunate, but sometimes a harsh lesson is the only way to truly understand.

Don't fall into the trap of irrational behavior. Act sensibly, remembering that preserving your capital is more important than making quick profits. I hope some of you take this advice to heart.

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