The inspiration of the story of catching sparrows for contract making

One day, a rich man who made his fortune by speculating in stocks watched his 8-year-old son catching sparrows in the yard.

It was snowing heavily outside. The child cleared a piece of open space in the yard, scattered grain, set up a basket on the grain, tied a stick with a rope, and hid in the house.

After a while, 10 sparrows flew in, and 8 of them went in one after another. Dad Lie Wan asked him to pull the rope quickly, but the child insisted on waiting until all 10 sparrows came in before pulling the rope.

As the sparrows that had eaten their fill flew away one by one, only three were left. Dad Lie Wan urged the child to pull the rope quickly, but the child refused to pull it. He wanted to wait until the other two came in before pulling it.

As a result, not only did the two outside not come in, but all the ones inside flew away! The child was very sad.

From this we can see that greed made the little boy fail to catch the last sparrow.

In the same way, many of us start to make profits from contracts, and the profits are very generous. We always want to get rich quickly. The final result is not only the profit is gone, but also the principal is seriously lost. This is the result of greed.

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