PANews reported on July 11 that according to the official blog, the multi-chain smart contract network Astar Network announced that it is working with the global exchange Binance to launch an unprecedented staking mechanism. This move is more than just another staking opportunity; it brings unique changes that directly affect the Astar community treasury and the Unstoppable community funding program.

The staking campaign is designed to allow users to earn simple and generous returns. When users stake through the Binance Simple Earning Campaign, the exchange will stake Astar Network's native token ASTR directly into the Astar Community Treasury in the Astar dApp staking. Because this means that the dApp staking rewards generated by the treasury during the staking process will increase in proportion to the amount of Binance staking. This will bring higher returns to the community treasury, and the community can allocate more Unstoppable Community Grants to builders. The event time is from 2024-07-11 18:00 to 2024-10-11 17:59 Beijing time, and ASTR holders are eligible to participate.