Initially, everyone bought and sold B on OTC, which was very similar to the ancient markets and fairs. Then everyone bought and sold B on the exchange, which was very similar to the department stores in the 1980s and 1990s. Why do people buy B on the exchange? In essence, the exchange acts as a strict selector, and it helps us filter B. The publisher exchange gives me the feeling that a live broadcast room is a sales floor for one person, and anyone can sell the B or NFT that they want to recommend in front of huge traffic. Why can some top anchors achieve a sales volume of more than a company with 1,000 employees in a year? Because of the reorganization of people, goods and markets, as long as everyone trusts the anchor, they can place an order immediately without any space or trust restrictions. Blinks is to develop a live broadcast room on Twitter for everyone to directly release projects that KOL is optimistic about, just like I am now directly posting the link of SENDIT here, and you can directly place an order. In the future, once those awesome Twitter hosts embark on the road of leading B, I don’t know how many billion-dollar gold dogs will appear. Then new KOLs will continue to join in to bring goods. This is the so-called publisher exchange. This is not a B, it is a track, which may derive the gameplay of inscription fever. Therefore, I think that SendIt has the potential to be Ordi, and Blinks really needs a wave of projects worth over 100 million to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm.