On Friday, April 19, 2024, ahead of Bitcoin's fourth halving, Binance held its first online Law Enforcement Training Day, an initiative to educate law enforcement agencies. international law. This event is part of Binance's Effective Law Enforcement Training Program.


The main purpose of this event is to provide useful and up-to-date cryptocurrency knowledge to investigators, including practical techniques such as blockchain tracing and advanced topics such as source isolation. coins or cross-chain swaps. Law enforcement speakers presented case studies including investigations into pig butchering scams, child abuse and terrorist financing.

The event featured 11 speakers from Binance, law enforcement portal Kodex and blockchain data investigation platforms such as Chainalysis, TRM Labs, Elliptic and Clain, as well as representatives from the community law enforcement, including the Cyber ​​Crime Investigation Bureau (CCIB) of the Royal Thai Police, the National Organized Crime Agency of the Czech Republic Police, and the Cyber ​​Police Department of the National Police Ukraine. 

The event was streamed live to more than 1,300 law enforcement representatives in 86 countries. Of the 10 countries with the largest number of attendees, 6 are in Europe.