Software wallets widely use seeds rich in high entropy value as a starting point to drive the work of pseudo-random number generators. This design shows significant advantages in improving security and increasing the difficulty of prediction. However, its essence is still in the category of "pseudo-random", that is, any fixed combination of seeds and algorithms will replay the same random number sequence, although this process is extended to an extremely large period, thus greatly reducing the predictability. risks, but its potential hazards cannot be ignored and we need to remain vigilant.

Pseudo-random number generators are popular because of their efficiency and flexibility in a variety of scenarios. However, in security-sensitive fields, their limitations are particularly prominent and may cause serious consequences. Taking TrustWallet as an example, the 2023 announcement revealed the risks hidden in its use of the MT19937 pseudo-random number generator in a specific version of the browser extension wallet - due to insufficient randomness, there is the possibility of generating repeated mnemonic words, which is a direct threat. to the safety of user assets. In response, TrustWallet took quick action to disclose the problem and guide users to take remedial measures and upgrade to a more secure version. #币安7周年 #德国政府转移比特币