#币安合约锦标赛 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币

Did you find this market? As long as there is no pattern, you can make money, even at high altitudes. Pie and ether are still blocked at key positions. Now the balance between long and short sides is estimated to be waiting for the CPI data on Thursday night. After the release of this data, it will affect the fluctuation of the entire market.

The CPI data released at 20:30 tomorrow night on Thursday will greatly affect the decision of the Federal Reserve. Changes in CPI data are directly related to the inflation level and economic trends. If the data is lower than expected, the possibility of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates will greatly increase.

Powell's speech and the upcoming CPI data will become important factors affecting the decision of the Federal Reserve. Let us wait and see whether the Federal Reserve will take interest rate cuts in September. $BTC $ETH $BNB