During Saturday’s online discussion, I shared a point of view with everyone:

At present, we don’t need to worry too much about the market, what we need to care more about is our livelihood.

The continuous decline in the market in recent days has broken through the psychological bottom line of many investors. It is estimated that many investors have not thought that Bitcoin can fall below $60,000 again, and Ethereum can fall below $3,000 again.

In my opinion, there is no need to worry about the short-term decline of Bitcoin and Ethereum, because I am still firmly confident in their future in the long run. So as long as most of our positions are in these two coins, we can take this short-term plunge in the market calmly. I firmly believe that they will eventually reach new highs in the near future.

I think what really deserves our high attention is the possible changes in the environment we live in in the next year (by 2025) or even three years (by 2027), and whether we ordinary people can protect our property and maintain our livelihoods in these changes.

If we pay a little attention to various data and observe the changes around us, we should be able to feel that the overall environment is becoming increasingly harsh.

During Saturday's discussion, I mentioned:

The environment we live in now is unlikely to change significantly before the end of 2025. In such an environment, how many companies can survive another year and a half? If companies with serious internal conflicts are unable to survive, the so-called iron rice bowl public institutions will definitely be implicated.

Therefore, among our readers, those who still need to earn a salary will be affected to some extent.

Therefore, I once again mentioned the sentence that I have emphasized many times before: always keep enough funds for yourself to live for 18 months.

During the subsequent Q&A session, I was deeply moved by the experience of a friend who connected online.

This friend sounds rather depressed.

He has a small position in Bitcoin and Ethereum, but has a large position in other projects.

The reason why he did not focus on Bitcoin and Ethereum was because he felt that the increase in these two currencies was too small.

During the conversation, this friend repeatedly emphasized that he was afraid of losing the opportunity.

He also talked about an experience he had in the past - in an operation that I thought was quite speculative, he lost all the accumulated profits in the past.

What’s even more disturbing is that this friend unfortunately encountered company layoffs.

I have had some of the same mentalities and experiences as this friend before.

For example, they are afraid of losing opportunities, so they are easily worried about gains and losses.

I still want to say: Don’t worry about not having opportunities. At least in the crypto ecosystem, as long as you can hold your ground, survive tenaciously, and constantly improve yourself, there will definitely be opportunities.

On the contrary, this fear of missing opportunities can easily lead investors astray - the most typical example is thinking that a trap is an opportunity, so they place a heavy bet and ultimately lose all their efforts.

I believe this friend is still young and will have opportunities in the future.

For example, some people think that the increase in Bitcoin and Ethereum is not big enough.

The growth of many altcoins is indeed far greater than that of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but in fact, friends who have participated should have experienced this: there are very few investors who can really catch the surge in altcoins, and most participants end up being cannon fodder in the process.

In my experience, when an investor focuses on Bitcoin and Ethereum, his mentality will change, becoming more stable and rational, and he will be more able to cope with various storms and withstand various risks. At the same time, he will have more courage and confidence to participate in various high-risk projects. At that time, he will not worry about not being able to seize opportunities.

What worries this friend the most is that he unfortunately encountered layoffs.

In the current environment, anyone who encounters such an accident will face considerable challenges in finding a job that matches their abilities, education, and salary expectations in a short period of time. I am afraid that they will have to face more pressure from life and society. If they cannot handle these pressures well, it is impossible to have a good mentality and mood to reap fruits in other fields (including the crypto ecosystem).

I suggest that this friend put aside the crypto ecosystem first and withdraw some funds back to reality. First, he should ensure that he and his family can maintain a stable life in the next period of time, and then find a job as soon as possible to ensure the livelihood of himself and his family. After dealing with these things, if he still has spare energy, he can come back to the crypto ecosystem to continue exploring.

This friend's experience may seem like someone else's story today, but it is very likely that it will happen to you and me more and more in the future.

Compared with the pressure of livelihood, the rise and fall of the crypto market is not a big deal at all.

We hope that each of our readers can be prepared for the challenges and risks that may come.