According to CoinDesk, the CoinDesk 20 Index, a broad-based index traded on multiple platforms across the world, showed a positive market trend. The index is currently trading at 1,959.12, marking an increase of 3.2% (+60.03) since the close of trading last Friday. Of the 20 assets, 19 are trading higher. The leaders in this upward trend are FIL, up 8.6%, and LINK, up 8.4%. On the other hand, HBAR and BTC did not perform as well, with HBAR seeing a drop of 1.5% and BTC only increasing by 1.2%. The CoinDesk 20 Index is a significant indicator of digital asset performance and its current upward trend indicates positive market movement. The performance of the index is closely monitored by investors and traders as it provides an overview of the market's main digital assets.#binancenews $BNB