Share some thoughts. Must read!

First, the currency circle rises and falls together. There are not so many reasons. In fact, the rise and fall do not need any value support. All you need is a reason. When the cycle comes and the mood rises, it will naturally rise. So there is no need to analyze so much. Just look at what everyone is paying attention to and which currency the traffic is on. That's enough.

Second, don't talk about faith with the copycat. Cut your losses when you should. As long as it is not a bull market, don't think about holding on. You think it is the bottom of the mountain, but it is actually the top of the mountain. There are several leaders in each round of bull market. Time is a friend of the big cake, but an enemy of the copycat. The consensus of the currency circle is on the big cake. Only the big cake will not return to zero, and the others may return to zero.