Tips for coin speculation

Any coin that has increased tenfold started by doubling

1. Find the calf first

1. The increase in the last two months has exceeded 100%

Some big bull coins have traces before they go bullish. Let's make a bold assumption: the strong will always be strong. Just like in life, we would say that this person was very good before and may have a promising future. Or, this person is a fool, be careful that he will do stupid things in the future. That is to say, most people or things have their inertia. In this way, you can first select the coins that have performed strongly in the recent stage and put them in a self-selected area.

In specific operations, I prefer the strong coins that have risen more smoothly. I can't say too many reasons, it's a bit like, since everyone is very good, then let's see who looks good next.

2. The coin price hit a record high and has been online for more than half a year

Don't be afraid that these coins have risen a lot. Any coin that has increased tenfold has started by doubling. For any big bull coin, the coin price will first hit a historical high. Don't be too picky.

2. Patiently wait for the intermediate adjustment

What is the intermediate adjustment? For example, at least oscillation or correction for more than two months.

Why does it take so long to adjust? Wait for the excited funds to take a break, calm down, pass the unresponsive period, wait for the chips with larger profits to change hands, and bring everyone's average cost closer.

In this way, it is more conducive to thinking together and working together in the future.

The first wave of particularly strong ones can only be adjusted for two weeks. What is particularly strong? For example, the coin price doubled in two months.

In fact, it is very easy to track these coins. After putting them in the self-selected area, just check them every weekend. As long as there is no moth, when the minimum adjustment time limit is about to be reached, put them in the self-selected area and review them every day.

3. Resonance of index and sector

Can you buy them when the adjustment reaches the minimum time limit? Of course not. The law stipulates that men can get married at the age of 22. Do you have to marry a wife on your 22nd birthday?

You must wait patiently for the resonance of the market and the sector, and then you can enter the game according to two signals.

1. Start with a large volume of medium and long-term positive

2. Shrinking volume and narrow range fluctuations

There is no need to wait for the currency price to surpass the high point before the adjustment. Because surpassing does not mean certainty, it is better to grab the starting point and occupy a good position.