Ideal cryptocurrency world:
1️⃣100x coins are everywhere, and you can make money just by buying them.
2️⃣100% contract win rate, 10x overnight is not a dream.
3️⃣Investment research and analysis are accurate and accurate, and any cryptocurrency circle and hot spots can be mastered.
4️⃣You can drive a Maserati just by making random bets.
5️⃣Everyone is financially free, living in a big villa and driving a luxury car.
Real cryptocurrency world:
1️⃣100x coins do exist, but they are definitely not the ones you bought.
2️⃣The win rate of small contracts may be high, but the blow-up rate of heavy positions + carrying orders is almost 99.9999%.
3️⃣Every cryptocurrency circle and hot spot can be analyzed, but the position income is always negative.
4️⃣Others make money by making random bets, but you get the opposite bet, and in the end you might as well buy an electric car.
5️⃣Many people are heavily in debt, borrowing money from others for meals every day, and are reluctant to change their torn pants.