So, market is down. Your tokens are basically a nudge above where you wisely bought it in the bear market. Some of them are in your bags since December 2022, and you are starting to believe it is a good idea to just dump them and get out at least even, in the best of cases. This is NOT financial advice, but it is a fellow holder course of action and I Truly do not know if it is going to work. But is what I will do. And it is just like this: HODL until it goes up.

Because "buy low sell high" si not just an over the table conversation phrase that we say when we are happy. It is a rule and it doesnÂŽt means that the tokens will inevitably go higher. It means what follows, and please read, read it twice and understand it because this could be the difference between you, young and stupid, and you all grown up and wise:

"I will buy when I consider it is low, and will hold the thing forever until it is higher. If it goes to ZERO I will not sell it, because I said I will buy low and I will sell high, and that is the only way I will do it. It also means that I will SELL WHEN IT IS HIGH, at the point I believe it is high enough. And will NOT HOLD FOREVER when it is high because the whole idea of this is to take profits when It is high."

The main message here is as follows:

"Buy low: NEED TO DYOR AND UNDERSTAND WHAT "LOW" MEANS, and buy when it is low. I will not buy when it is high."


"Sell high: It could go higher, I know. But now is higher from the point I bought it, and I will sell, because I am a person that buys low and sell high."

Again, this is not financial advice, or even a personal recommendation. It is just what I do and it is working fine. IÂŽm not promising you will become a billionaire in a month. This will take time. But you can do it. Be smart, be wise and keep your eyes open always.

Thank you for reading and I wish you extreme success, wealth and health to enjoy it, but above all, wisdom to make it count for you and everyone else in this world.