The overall price of $ETH has not changed much. At present, the overall price is running at 3450. While the daily support moves up to around 3420, the high pressure needs to pay attention to the two nodes of 3530 and 3480. The price is running in a volatile market in the four-hour period. After the three lines of boll are flat, the price will maintain a volatile upward trend in the four hours, so the upper and lower supports of the daily line have moved up to a certain extent. If the price can successfully break through 3430 and stand firm after bottoming out and rebounding in the one-hour period, then the price will definitely test the suppression strength of 3480. Otherwise, it is recommended to pay attention to the support below 3380. Therefore, the overall short-term follow-up attention is paid to the 100-point range of 3380-3480. Based on the above, it is recommended to short Ethereum in the future.