1. The rules have changed

Most people only learned about the cryptocurrency world after 2015, and most of those who really participated in the bull market started in 2017. People summarized the rules through the first two rounds of bull markets and made money accordingly. However, once the rules were broken, many people were at a loss and fell into the comfort zone of thinking. Once the market is different from the previous operation, there are only two results: losing money or missing out.

2. The dealer has changed

Why did the rules change? Mainly because the market makers have changed. In this round of bull market, a large amount of formal funds have entered the market. The bull market has not yet come, but the big funds have already entered the market. Retail investors see so much money coming in and think that the bull market is coming, but in fact, only mainstream coins and meme coins are rising, and other value coins are still standing still. The market makers are now playing more advanced games, which makes retail investors very disgusted.

3. Retail investors have not changed

The mentality of the leeks has not changed, and it is easy to have fixed thinking. Many retail investors still follow the previous rhythm. However, the rhythm has changed, and retail investors don’t know how to play. In the past, everyone studied value coins, but in this bull market, they directly engaged in meme coins, and a bunch of air coins made you confused. As a result, retail investors who chased the rise lost money, because there was no bottom when the air coins fell.

After this round of bull market, the possibility of making a fortune in the cryptocurrency circle has become very small, and the market fluctuations will not be very large. Even if there are fluctuations, retail investors cannot catch them, and retail investors are more likely to buy at the top. This wave of Bitcoin top shipments was very slow, obviously to give retail investors enough time to buy. The pace will be slower in the future.

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