
nix.eth A crypto enthusiast obsessed with Bitcoin after reading Neal Stephenson’s The Book of Crypto as a teenager, the former tech founder and software engineer made a full-on move to web3 in 2021.

His latest creation, “Hexag⬡n,” is a character-based alternative to PFP, Hexag⬡n are identified by their unique names rather than numeric IDs, which make for great PFP companions.

Describing the artwork, nix.eth said: “The key to each hexagon was extracted from the quantum realm by the forger, and no one can predict the output as they do not exist until they are observed. This is made possible using real-time data provided by the Australian National University Quantum Optics Group through measurements of quantum vacuum fluctuations.”

Check out his Drop on OpenSea here:

  • opensea.io/collection/hexagons/overview 


OpenSea: Can you tell us a little bit about your artistic style and the main themes you explore in your artwork?

nix.eth: My main style is probably best defined as vector based geometry, I like to use geometry to tease the brain into recognizing beautiful patterns that are stored, I prefer to use vectors because I feel comfortable with the way they work in code and feel detached from the pixels or dots that we consume as digital art.

My work is primarily about exploring blockchain as a holistic medium of connection. We are increasingly becoming a digital society and I don’t think we can predict what this will mean for our relationships with each other and our physical world. I started my first career as a technology entrepreneur focused on social applications and my art today is an attempt to communicate the concepts I have developed.

OpenSea: Can you walk us through your creative process when developing an NFT series or work?

‍nix.eth: I play around a lot, but I don’t have a specific goal in mind. My creative process starts with writing code and thinking about concepts like randomness. I just have some vague ideas and try them out. As they develop, new ideas emerge, so I try them out. When I feel my train of thought slowing down, I put all my ideas in a folder to revisit later. Most of the time, that’s all I can do. Occasionally, I’ll revisit something and become obsessed.

OpenSea: Can you talk about any unique challenges or opportunities you encounter when creating art, especially in the digital realm of NFTs?

nix.eth: My personal challenge is imposter syndrome. I didn’t set out to be an artist in my life, but instead spent over twenty years working in technology product startups. I was a little intimidated by the idea of ​​getting involved with artists.

So the technical side of crypto art is very easy for me, the sharing side is harder, and I've noticed that the way I deal with this is I tend to fall back on the security of technical execution at the expense of thinking of my art as a product, and I'm still figuring out how to balance that.


OpenSea: What inspired you to create on Base? How do you think Base’s features will benefit your artistic expression?

nix.eth: After months of choosing a chain for my upcoming project Hexag⬡ns, crypto artists now have a lot of choices, and I think it’s more accurate to say that my collection chose Base. The soul of Hexag⬡ns requires power and inclusivity, and it hopes to become a large and affordable collection.

This fits my thinking well because I'm more excited about the power of NFTs in the hands of billions of people, Base is a great fit for this, the community and team are pushing for accessibility, the low gas fees allow me to put everything on-chain, and I believe they will help steer Ethereum in a positive direction.

OpenSea: How has blockchain technology influenced or changed the way you create art?

nix.eth: Blockchain changed my view of coordination and the potential future of humanity, NFT changed my view of art, I come from a group of web2 builders, and the word "art" is rarely used in anything we do.

Now, in NFTs, and especially generative art, that has changed, I always thought it was a bit weird that I thought code could be beautiful, but in NFTs, I found that other people thought the same thing.

OpenSea: How do you plan to engage with your audience through NFTs on OpenSea? Are there interactive elements or community-driven aspects to your work?

nix.eth: OpenSea has great support for interactive NFTs, which is something I’m taking full advantage of. With Hexag⬡ns, each NFT has multiple background colors and comes with a set of assets like X banners and Zoom backgrounds, all of which can be accessed directly from the NFT without leaving OpenSea.

Another advantage of OpenSea is its flexible Drop process. I can build my own smart contracts to support my unique work and just implement the SeaDrop contract. I don’t have to spend time developing the Drop page or minting logic.

Security is a big focus of web3, and the safety of my collectors is a top priority, and OpenSea is one of the safest and most trusted places to connect wallets and interact.


OpenSea: What future developments in the NFT space excite you most, and how do you plan to incorporate these developments into your future projects?

nix.eth: What I’m most excited about in the generative art space is seeing collaborative standards emerge. One of my favorite things to do is to disassemble and tweak other artists’ algorithms. My genesis series, Treeangles, is 100% on-chain. I’m amazed when other artists take advantage of the data and create alternative interpretations. I think we have a lot of room to explore as a community, especially when you include collectors in the iterations.

OpenSea: What advice would you give to artists who are just entering the NFT space and are considering launching their first digital collectible?

‍nix.eth: Don’t rush, take the time to learn and participate in groups, collectives and even X-space, create and share much more than you create, quality over quantity, integrity over speed.

OpenSea: Where do you think digital art and NFTs will go in the next five years? How do you hope to contribute to this future?

nix.eth: In the next five years, NFTs will enter the mainstream, not just in the art world, it will start to become one of the pillars of the emerging digital society, and I hope we can show how to use it to create great things, and that's what I'm here for.

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