These Critical Developments Will Be Followed in Bitcoin and Altcoins Next Week!

As of next week, all eyes will be on the data coming from the USA.

We have come to the end of another week in the cryptocurrency industry. As of this week, it has been observed that the leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) and altcoins have decreased. The news during the week directly affected the price movements of crypto assets.

Incoming news and data next week will also affect crypto assets. Here are the important developments that crypto investors should follow next week:

On Monday, July 1:

Altcoins named FET, AGIX and OCEAN are expected to merge under the name ASI.

The altcoin named Wanchain (WAN) will make an announcement.

European Central Bank President Lagarde will give a speech.

On Tuesday, July 2:

The European Region inflation rate will be announced.

FED President Jerome Powell will give a speech.

On Wednesday, July 3:

Türkiye Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be announced.

US Stock Exchanges will close early due to Independence Day.

US Unemployment Benefits Claims will be released.

Minutes of the FED's last FOMC meeting will be published.

On Thursday, July 4:

US stock markets will remain closed for Independence Day.

On Friday, July 5:

US Unemployment Rate will be announced.

US Nonfarm Employment Data will be announced.
