I WAS THINKING.. 🤔 If everyone negotiated based on what they see, why do they still make so many mistakes?? The Study led me to this 👇🏼

Error persistence occurs for several scientific and psychological reasons:

*Confirmation Bias* Natural tendency to seek, interpret and remember information in a way that confirms your own beliefs, ignoring or underestimating information that contradicts your opinions. This leads someone to persist in an error because they are more likely to find and accept information that confirms their initial view.

*Inflexible Cognition* In some situations, individuals may have difficulty revising their beliefs or changing their minds due to inflexible thinking patterns or cognitive rigidity. This occurs due to a lack of critical thinking skills or little exposure to new information.

*Cognitive Dissonance* The psychological discomfort that occurs when there is an inconsistency between a person's beliefs, attitudes or behaviors. To reduce, individuals may cling to their original beliefs, even if there is evidence to the contrary, in order to maintain a sense of internal coherence.

*Social Influences* Group pressure or the influence of authority figures can lead individuals to maintain their opinions even in the face of contrary evidence. This may be due to a desire to belong to a group or a fear of being seen as ignorant or incompetent.

*Positive Reinforcement* If someone has been rewarded for their beliefs or actions in the past, they may continue to behave in the same way, even if subsequent evidence suggests they are wrong. Positive reinforcement can be empowering by wrongly associating a behavior with positive outcomes. These factors show that persistence in error is not just a matter of a lack of information, but is also deeply influenced by complex cognitive and social processes.

