"Brother 480,000" is a name that cannot be avoided in the currency circle📈

The origin of the name "Brother 480,000" is because he used his 480,000 savings from buying a house to buy 100 bitcoins, and started a live broadcast on Baidu Bitcoin Post Bar on January 28, 2014.

But bad luck, this live broadcast was born at the wrong time. The subsequent negative policies and the sharp drop in the price of the currency caused his assets to shrink rapidly, reducing to only 90,000.

The sarcasm in the post bar and the misunderstanding of his family made Brother 480,000 worse. "Fighting with mother-in-law, wife threatening divorce" gradually became the theme of his live broadcast.

In early 2016, when Bitcoin rebounded to 3,000 yuan, Brother 480,000 replied to readers "I sold the currency and bought a house. "This man who once expected to buy a house and a new car with Bitcoin lost 180,000 yuan and finally missed the madness a year later. This story is a typical fall before dawn.

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