Why is it so hard to make money in the B circle in this cycle?

The strong entry of BTC+ETH spot ETF and the deep entry of Wall Street capital mean that we must not only have the ability to screen high-quality varieties and sectors, but also master the essence of financial transactions. The simple way of playing in the past, "you can make money if you can't hold it", has long been eliminated by the market!

The bull market law of "Federal Reserve easing + B circle four-year cycle" is gradually being diluted, and it may even be completely broken. In this market, the only constant is "change" itself. We must always be vigilant and be ready to deal with the changing market!

The over-issuance of altcoins has become a disaster, and the people and funds who take over the orders can't keep up with the speed of issuing. This makes the liquidity in the hands of leeks squeezed out, and only a very small number of altcoins will be able to outperform the mainstream big coins in the future. Most altcoins are at their peak when they are listed, and they have completed their life mission in just a few months, and then gradually go to zero. Even if the big cake rises to 100,000 or 200,000 US dollars, those junk varieties will still linger at the foot of the mountain, and there will never be a bull market!

When the consensus and certainty of this industry are getting higher and higher, it will not benefit the entire industry. On the contrary, the strong will become stronger and the weak will become weaker. This is a cruel reality that we must face and try to adapt to! Click on my avatar to discuss together!
