RATS is a BRC-20 token created through the Ordinals protocol. It was created in March 2023 and is a unique meme token inspired by rats.

The story and elements behind the RATS token make it stand out from the crowd of BRC-20 tokens, including:

Animal Meme Coin Concept: RATS token adopts the concept of Animal Meme Coin, which is a popular trend in the cryptocurrency world that uses various animals as mascots to stimulate people’s interest.

Similar to the name of SATS: As you can see, the token name of "RATS" is very similar to "sats". Therefore, the popularity of $sats has also driven $rats, and many people regard it as the second sats coin.

Translation slogan: The translation slogan of "RATS" - "Rats! Rats! Rats! (Damn it)" has some humorous and dramatic elements, which adds to the fun of the token.

Rats and mint: "rats crossing the street" and "mint", this homophony has also attracted many people to mint rats coins.

The recent surge in RATS coin has attracted widespread attention and discussion. This representative meme coin, which claims to be anti-VC (venture capital), has quickly risen in the cryptocurrency market with its strong community support.


RATS reflects a phenomenon that only dog ​​dealers intervene, and eventually the market will be pulled up. For example, dwf, this is basically equivalent to an open card, and there are some unknown ones. In fact, playing local dogs in the early years was the most emotional. Local dogs without market making are basically a wave. The project party that makes a little market may increase several times. Those that increase by hundreds of times are strong dealers. As long as the coin is pulled up, it must be a strong dealer. No matter what coin it is, only retail investors buying it cannot drive the price up. Even if it rises, it will fall back, and retail investors cannot form a joint force. Therefore, the decline is also due to the distribution of chips, and the rise is also due to the main force pulling up the market.

Good bids need brutal washes! It doesn’t mean that brutal washes are good bids. Many bids are just for zero! Memecoin, the leader of the Bitcoin chain! Originated from the Chinese-speaking world, after continuous efforts of the community, Rats has obviously spread to the world!

This article will deeply analyze the reasons for the surge in RATS coins, the impact of Binance's operations, future trends, and provide some suggestions for investors.

Reasons for the surge in RATS coins

1. Community power: The rise of RATS coin is first of all due to its strong community support. The RATS community has demonstrated amazing unity and influence, and has continuously promoted RATS coin through social media and various platforms, attracting a large number of attention and investors. This spontaneous community-driven force has enabled RATS coin to gain huge market popularity in a short period of time.

2. Anti-VC sentiment: In recent years, many projects in the cryptocurrency market are led by venture capital firms (VCs). These projects often have huge financial support, but are unsatisfactory in terms of actual application and community support. RATS coin, with its anti-VC slogan, has attracted a large number of investors who are disappointed with VC projects. In contrast, the fair launch and community-driven characteristics of RATS coin are closer to the expectations of ordinary investors.

3. Market recognition: Although it is a meme coin, the performance of RATS coin has made the market see the potential of community-driven tokens. Investors have begun to realize that projects with strong community support can often achieve better performance and higher recognition in the market.


Future trend analysis

1. Market demand and community support: The future trend of RATS coin depends largely on market demand and community support. As long as the RATS community can continue to maintain its strong influence and market popularity, the market performance of RATS coin is still worth looking forward to. The advantage of community-driven tokens is that their market demand is more stable and continuous.

2. Operation of trading platforms: The operation of trading platforms such as Binance will also have an important impact on the future trend of RATS coins. If Binance can adjust its strategy and launch spot trading of RATS coins, it will help improve the market liquidity and investor confidence of RATS coins. On the contrary, if the trading of RATS coins continues to be restricted, it may further suppress its market performance.

3. Market environment and policy impact: The overall environment and policy changes of the cryptocurrency market will also affect the future trend of RATS coin. The tightening regulation of cryptocurrencies around the world may put some pressure on the market. But on the other hand, more and more countries and institutions are beginning to recognize the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies, which is a positive signal for tokens with strong community support such as RATS coin.

Rats has experienced ups and downs and has become popular and well-known. I wrote the following script for Rats:

1. Exceed 200 million market value within one month;
2. In the next 1-2 months, with the rebound of the market, it is possible that the market value may reach 300 million or 400 million;
3. There will be 10-20% fluctuations in the middle;

The surge in RATS coins and Binance's operations have sparked widespread discussion and attention. As a community-driven token, RATS coins have shown strong market potential and development prospects. In the future, multiple factors such as market demand, community support, trading platform operations and policy environment will jointly determine the trend of RATS coins. For investors, paying attention to market dynamics, being alert to risks, reasonably diversifying investments, and staying rational and calm are the keys to achieving investment success.

You can think about it, ORDI rebounded 2 weeks ago, and then fell back to the starting point, what happened? RATS also rebounded from the bottom twice, will it fall back to the starting point? What are the differences between them?

There are two factors that led to Ordi's rebound and then fell back to the starting point:
1. The most important thing is that there is not enough time for adjustment and the price is directly smashed down, and the selling volume is far greater than the buying volume.

2. The market fell and brought it down. If Ordi rebounds later, it will most likely stabilize and slowly rise. In fact, it would be better for Ordi to bottom out at 20u, but it actually bottomed out near 35u. It is good enough to be able to stabilize at present. It rushed to 60U not long after the adjustment. Of course, it cannot stabilize. Rats was wrongly killed by the market. It rebounded quickly and its market value fell to 60 million. The market value of any meme outside is higher than rats. Many memes that have never been heard of have a market value of more than 100 million.

The market will give the answer as to which one is overvalued and which one is undervalued.
In the short term, the market is a voting machine and in the long term, it is a weighing machine.
Rats are now back to the position of ordi. Look at their candlesticks.
It can be regarded as a return to value. At this position, it will neither rise nor fall. It is best to fluctuate for a period of time, accumulate more strength and follow Ordi to move in the same direction.

In summary, ordi shouldn't have risen in the past two weeks, but it did, so it's back to where it belongs. rats shouldn't have fallen, but it did, so it's back to where it belongs. Everyone is doing well now, and the trend is normal. Recently, they don't want to rise or fall, and it's best to just fluctuate for a few weeks before accumulating strength to take off.