
💫 Ethereum ETF is about to be approved

💫 But the price is as stable as Mount Tai?

💫 Reveal the secret behind it!

💫 Recently, the purchase volume of ETH seems to be left behind by Bitcoin. Has the market's preference for them changed drastically?

🎯 Bitcoin ETF is leading the way, with a net inflow of funds as high as $14.4 billion! This is simply the "digital gold" certification issued by the mainstream market to Bitcoin!

💫 But when it comes to Ethereum ETF, although the market expects it to attract $3-5 billion in off-market funds, the price is like a steady gentleman, not in a hurry at all. Why?

🔍 In-depth revelation:

💫 On-site funds: It's like a grand party, everyone has eaten and drunk enough, and newcomers can't find empty seats and can only watch from the sidelines. The current market price is like a party that has already eaten enough, lacking new funds to add to the fun.

💫Position structure and trapped status: Many big investors and institutions are holding a lot of altcoins, but they are currently trapped. They want to withdraw to Ethereum or other places, but the profitable funds of Bitcoin are like being trapped in a maze and it is difficult to find an exit.

Market sentiment and confidence: In this bear market of cryptocurrencies, everyone is cautious, like squirrels overwintering, storing every nut. For the inflow of new funds, everyone may not be as excited as in the bull market.

🔮 Market outlook after ETF approval:

Although in the short term, the approval of Ethereum ETF may not cause much waves, in the long run, it is like a golden key that can open the treasure house of Ethereum OTC funds. Once a large amount of funds pour in, it will be like injecting new vitality into the market, and the price will gradually bloom like flowers in spring.


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