Be cautious with ongoing crypto airdrops, as many scammers are using this opportunity to deceive people. Here’s how these scams typically work:

1. Scammers create a fake mining app. 🛑

2. They market it heavily, claiming it’s revolutionary and backed by reputable blockchains like $SOL or TON, which is false. 🚫

3. They make unrealistic promises to lure users in. 🤑

4. They ask users to pay for premium features to boost earnings, such as $3.6 to increase mining speed by 10,000% and outperform 80% of other users. 📈

5. With a large user base, they can easily make a significant profit. For example, if 134,000 out of 480,000 users pay $3.6, that totals $482,000. 💰

6. They might also ask for payments between $2.3 and $3.10 to transfer worthless coins to your wallet, making an extra $560,000 to $800,000. 💸

7. The scammers spend minimal amounts on marketing and promoting, sometimes paying crypto traders or influencers to promote their project, creating a viral effect. 🌐

The best way to avoid these scams is to follow reliable sources for legitimate crypto airdrops. Stay informed and be wary of too-good-to-be-true offers. 🔒