I was curious, "Bro, what's your secret?"

He revealed a hidden tool - Moonshot by DEX Screener.

🧵: Here are 5 Moonshot SECRETS for 100x gains 👇

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Finding new 100-1000x coins has become way easier now.

dexscreener has launched a competitor to


- Moonshot.

Since it's still early, there are many opportunities for quick gains.

Let's dive in 👇

In just 3 days, Moonshot has seen over 200k tokens launched — 10 times more than Pumpfun.

Tokens are already skyrocketing, with returns like:

➢ FIRST: 1512x

➢ STARCAT: 155x

➢ MOONCAT: 71x

Turn $100 into $100,000 on Moonshot by following these simple steps 👇

1️⃣ What is Moonshot?

This platform helps you find and launch memecoins.

How it works:

➢ Tokens start with a 1B supply

➢ When MC hits 500 SOL, liquidity moves to Raydium

➢ Post-migration, 150-200M tokens are burned

➢ Creators can renounce ownership and lock liquidity

These features totally eliminate the risk of rug pulls and make sure there are no insiders messing things up.

The coin's success depends solely on the community and hype.

So, it's super important to learn how to research coins properly.

2️⃣ How to research coins?

As soon as a token is launched, check out its socials.

Every token needs 'pumpamentals' to succeed.

➢ Does it have an active social media presence?

➢ Is the community engaged?

➢ Does the idea seem unique or catchy?

3️⃣ Dive into on-chain data

➢ Copy the CA

➢ Paste it at


➢ Check the "Holders" tab (avoid if big % of supply is with few holders)

➢ See if top holders have other memecoins

➢ Verify their PnL via


and start tracking smart traders.

4️⃣ How to buy tokens?

Thanks to Moonshot, you’ve got two ways to buy:

➢ Straight through Moonshot

➢ Using a sniping bot

Tip: The sniping bot is much quicker for buying and selling tokens, so you might want to use it.

Choose any sniping bot, such as




But before you start using it, you need to set these settings:

➢ Auto-Buy: Enable

➢ Slippage: 40%

➢ Price Impact: 35%

➢ Tx priority: Very High

5️⃣ Another way to earn money is launching a token

➢ Go to http://dexscreener.com/moonshot

➢ Then, go to the "Launch your token" tab

➢ Fill out all the details

➢ Create a token by paying 0.02 SOL

The rest will be done automatically by Moonshot mechanisms.

To ensure your token's success, focus on its idea.

➢ Firstly, it should be a fun and interesting concept

➢ Then, create a presence on X and Telegram/Discord to promote your token

By following these steps, you increase the token's chances to attract investors.


I hope you've found this article helpful.

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