WC I bought LISTA at 0.7 the day before yesterday, and I didn't sell it at the highest point of 0.83 yesterday. I just saw it go back to the starting point. This game is really exciting.

Now I am very anxious and am considering whether to continue holding it, but after reading the project introduction, I feel it is very good. LISTA's liquidity pledge and centralized stablecoin are very attractive to me. The track selection is very novel. At present, the market value is relatively small. In addition, Lista DAO adopts a dual-token model, lisUSD as a decentralized stablecoin, LISTA as an ecological development and application scenario token, and uses both BEP-20 and ERC-20 standards to provide liquidity and income for various currencies.

Liata holders not only have voting rights, but also can vote on key decisions. They can also obtain Lista rewards through Lista DAO for deposits, pledges and governance activities. This mechanism ensures that users participate in ecological construction while obtaining additional benefits.

slisBNB will have more opportunities in the future. Through the continuous release of slis BNB on the chain, more opportunities to attract profits will be obtained. Through Lista's protocol, users can easily stake BNB to reap rich returns and hold liquidity certificates slisBNB users can stake LSA assets to mint stablecoins lisUSD.

Lista will gradually become the leader of DeFi finance in liquidity staking in the future, making staking simpler and lending more convenient. Currently, only Lista has this technology, which not only improves the liquidity of assets, but also makes major innovations in the DeFi field.

Lista has shown strong potential and stability in decentralized finance, and has gradually established a leading position in DeFi.

Can it break through $1 to make me happy.

#Lista启航新纪元 $LISTA