There is no meat to eat where there are many people

Recently, the airdrops of the Ethereum series are not satisfactory.

The new coins on Binance have also been falling.

Many people say that the airdrops are over and the new coins on Binance are all scam coins.

So some people shouted slogans.

If you want fairness, play the Bitcoin ecosystem, and the meme of the Bitcoin ecosystem is fully circulated

The airdrops of the Bitcoin ecosystem are big meat if you play a little.

The fundamental reason is not that Binance is particularly bad, but that the Bitcoin ecosystem is particularly good.

Let me put it bluntly, the airdrops are not going to work because there are too many people playing. Most of the coins are scam coins, used for trading and cutting people. The Bitcoin ecosystem sector can make money because there are few people playing, and the project party’s money is distributed to a few people, and it feels quite a lot after being distributed

If there are as many users as the Ethereum system. Then the money distributed will be very little.

This is the truth.

The way of playing in the currency circle, no matter what sector, what project party, the users are the same, and the one purpose is to make money.

With more people and a larger pool, the airdrop projects will naturally get less. With fewer people, there will naturally be more people.

Don't think that the project owners of the Bitcoin ecosystem are particularly kind and will not cut people. The Ethereum sector and Binance will cut people as soon as they come up.

It's the same. They all cut people. Recall how much the other inscriptions have fallen.

There is only this much money in this pool. If your pocket is full, then other people's pockets must be less.

Don't think that the new sector will rise quickly. It's fast because the pool itself is small, and it's easy to overflow with a little liquidity.

Someone happened to be in this pool and got rich passively.

The most important mantra for playing coins is, don't go to crowded places, and you will die in the heat.

You may make some money in crowded places, but you can't get rich. You will definitely lose money.

You may lose money in places with few people, but it is also the most likely to get rich.

Looking at projects and sectors is a superficial phenomenon.

The key is to see whether there are many people. If there are many people, they are crowded to the rooftop. At this time, you should pay attention.

Finally, follow me and share every day to see how long it will take me to earn enough to complete ten small goals of BTC.