I wonder if you have noticed this situation:

Anyone who claims to be financially free or has made a lot of money through cryptocurrency trading, at most, will take a screenshot of their position chart, showing how many U coins are in their account, but no one has ever taken a screenshot of their bank card or property certificate for fixed assets, etc.?

Why? Because once they have experienced cashing out 10 million into their bank accounts, they have all experienced life and death, and have been hit by the iron fist of society. So they are not willing to even mention the idea of ​​making money by speculating in cryptocurrencies.

Those retail investors who say they have made tens of millions in the cryptocurrency world are all just bragging.

Most of them are even using sewing machines!

I don't need you to provide any screenshots of your assets, I just need you to tell me how to withdraw cash to your own bank account, and then I will know whether you are bragging or not.

Shaoqing looks at the truth of things from the perspective of crime and analyzes the essence of the case from the perspective of human nature.

Yes, you read that right. Those who claim that they became rich overnight in the cryptocurrency circle, made tens of millions, achieved financial freedom, retired and lay down their eggs, and own luxury cars, mansions, clubs, and young models are all bragging without exception.

My classmates, my friends, my colleagues, and my netizens in a group, but you are not one of them.

What you see are all illusions. Shaoqing tells you that one hundred percent of them are fake. Retail investors, look carefully, your role is that of retail investors. If someone tells you that he bought a coin by luck and it skyrocketed ten thousand times, and he finally cashed out and left the market safely, he is absolutely bragging.

Those so-called online bloggers create anxiety for you, saying that someone has made a lot of money in the cryptocurrency circle, achieved financial freedom, and directly withdrawn the money and stopped playing. Now they are basically retired from the club. Such bloggers will be blocked directly, and they are definitely fooling you. First of all, the positioning is that the money earned by retail investors depends on luck, and there is no risk control at all. In this case, there will be problems in every link of his cash-out process. What about opening an account abroad and exchanging it for foreign exchange US dollars? These bloggers can't say such things if they use up their annual foreign exchange quota of 50,000 US dollars. Where did you sell the large amount of money in your bank card? Exchange OTC? What kind of funds are there in the cryptocurrency exchange? It's nothing more than retail investors speculating in cryptocurrency, telecommunications fraud, pyramid schemes, online gambling, and illegal foreign exchange. You said that tens of millions of such funds suddenly came into your card. Do you think you can put them in your pocket? What, you tell me that the funds are white capital? There are white capital in the cryptocurrency circle? Why? Tracing the source, the funds in the cryptocurrency circle are all telecommunications fraud funds.

If we can't catch the source, we can't catch you either?

What? You sell slowly at the million-level? Accept cash? Do you know that 10 million in cash requires 5 large suitcases? A backpack of 800,000 can make you feel suffocated like a young model. If you, a retail investor, suddenly receive a large amount of funds, the anti-money laundering system will pop up first, and the payee information will be checked manually without any remarks. The anti-money laundering leading group with the president as the team leader, the deputy president in charge as the deputy team leader, and the heads of various departments as members will target you. The accounting and settlement department will also add an anti-money laundering supervisor, and at the same time, it will be equipped with part-time staff to collect and report anti-money laundering information. The complete anti-money laundering organizational system will target you. With such a large personnel structure and big data, what if there is some black money in your funds, or there are accounts involved in the case at the source, what do you think will happen to you?

The People's Bank of China has special regulations. When financial transactions reach a certain amount or meet certain suspicious characteristics, financial institutions need to submit large and suspicious transaction reports to the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Center. Do you think your tens of millions of dollars in the cryptocurrency world are safe? Can you really put your money in your pocket?

That's why my cousin said that retail investors who made a lot of money and said that they had withdrawn their money were just bragging, because they couldn't put their money in their pockets and put it in their pockets. Not to mention the tax authorities, there are people who make a lot of money, but it's definitely not the kind that gets rich overnight. I've seen many currency traders make a lot of money, but they rely on assets to increase slowly, and the funds are deposited through many links. My former colleague, after making money, went directly to exchange U for gold bars. Last week, he was pressed by uncles in three places. He hasn't received the black money yet, just because his upstream exchanged the black money for gold bars. Don't believe those bloggers who tell you to withdraw hundreds of millions of dollars directly, they may not be able to take out 200,000 yuan in their pockets, because they can't understand the status of large amounts of money on the card.

They say that the money is in an overseas account. Can you get it back? Can you try transferring a large amount of foreign currency into a domestic account? As a Chinese tax resident, foreign institutions will transfer your information to the Chinese tax authorities, and you will have to pay taxes in accordance with Chinese regulations.

Follow Shaoqing, you can avoid detours in the cryptocurrency circle and see a different cryptocurrency circle!

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