#BNB金鏟子 $BNB BNB market analysis, currently the 1-hour level is dominated by bulls, but the 2/4-hour level is showing bearish forces. Need to analyze the search for copycat points👉cfst115

Pay special attention to the 4-hour bull-bear watershed, near the price of 575.44, which will be a decisive turning point.

The pressure level should not be underestimated. The three prices of 581.05, 587.46, and 590.67 are the many checkpoints on the way up.

In terms of support levels, the three prices of 567.36, 559.24, and 551.11 are defensive fortresses.

Investment is like a battlefield, and every step requires careful consideration and careful layout.

You need to pay attention to the signal points below, live broadcast with real orders every day, and pay attention to the changes in signal points in real time. Even novices can master the code of wealth. #BNB走势 #BNB金铲子挖矿 #BNB走势 #BNB挖礦