After long period of time I joined binance, first thing I felt is regret because I joined late but still there's
#itsStillEarly for crypto they because crypto market is so huge a we can access from a phone or PC everywhere.
As I joined I received many gifts for free instead of using them I spent them for nothing.
You shouldn't do that .
Secondly after wandering I finally made my deposit because it was fun to watch fogures going up and down and I just wanted to trade
I brought
#BABT token couldn't understand what's that so I revoked and paid extra dollar for revoking
Than I started
#convert and #futuresmanaged to get 5 dollars again earned more than $10 .
But greed is so bad I Lost all
You shouldn't do that either.
Now I'll learn and learn and start it again step by step with calm mind
#itsStillEarly for crypto 😍