I have seen a strange dream. There before me was
An endless, yet empty, and wild field
And I, fettered by a chain of steel, stood there
Beneath a tall granite cliff,
And further there were thousands the same, like me.
For everyone basic life and sorrow was torn asunder,
In everyones eyes, the flame of love burns
In everyones hands are chains, like a snake coiled,
And everyones shoulders are bent down low,
For a single, unknown, terrible burden does bear down on all.
In everyones hands was a heavy steel mallet, And a voice strong from above, like thunder, rumbles: "Scale down this cliff! Let not the heat, nor the cold Dare stop us! the difficulty, and the thirst, and hunger. For it is designated for you to break down this rock."
And all of us, in unison, lifted up our hands,
And thousands of mallets struck the stone,
And thousands of sides burst out chunks
And shards of cliffs; by our strength we chipped out
One after another we beat the stone face.
Like a waterfall it roared, like the sound of a feirce battle.
Our mallets pounded this way, one after another;
and little by little we our space attained;
There was not one that was uninjured by those cliffs, We continued on, nothing did stop us.
And everyone of us knew, that we would not attain glory,
Nor will the people remember this feirce effort,
For it will be then that the people will travel this road
When we will break through it and level it out everywhere,
When our bones here beneath her will decay...
The glory from people we altogether did not see,
For we were neither heroes nor rich men.
No, we were prisoners, though we did take it freely
Upon ourselves this obligation. We've become slaves to our will:
On this path we travel we are but stone masons.
We all believed, that with our own hands
We could break down the cliff, crunble the granite,
That with our own blood, and our own bones
We will build A strong dwelling and after us
Will come a new life, a good newness in the world.
And we knew, that somewhere far in the world,
To which we threw ourselves in labor, sweat and effort,
For us there poured out the tears of mothers, wives, and children,
That friends and not the friendly, wrathful and the angry,
And us and our intention, and our labors they cleave apart.
We new this, And not only once did our soul ache,
And our hearts were torn, and our chests sorrow did crush;
That tears, nor sorrow, nor burning physical pain
Nor curses did tear us away from our purpose,
And no one released the mallet from his hands.
And in this way we go forward, as a congregation united
By this holy thought, with mallets in hand.
We who are cursed, and forgotten by the world!
We break down the cliffs, level out the true roads,
And fortune will come to all by our dear bones.
1878 Ivan Franko
#CryptoLovePoems💖 #CryptoLovePoems