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Telegram's Increased Data Disclosure to Authorities: A New Era of TransparencyTelegram has seen a notable shift in its approach to cooperating with law enforcement agencies worldwide. Following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, the company has begun sharing more user data with authorities. A recent transparency report reveals that in 2024, Telegram provided U.S. law enforcement with the IP addresses and phone numbers of 2,253 users, responding to 900 requests. This marks a stark increase from just 14 similar requests processed between January and September 2024. The shift in Telegram's stance on data sharing comes after Durov's arrest in France, where he faced accusations of hindering child abuse investigations. After this event, Durov publicly acknowledged the company’s new policy of complying with government requests for user data, a significant change from their previous position of resisting such demands. While Durov's legal situation remains unresolved, it has led to a broader discussion about privacy and data security on the platform. Telegram users worldwide have begun to share their country-specific data from the transparency reports. For example, the U.K. saw 142 requests affecting 293 users, while Germany had 945 requests leading to data disclosure for 2,237 users. In contrast, Russia made no requests, highlighting the differences in international law enforcement practices. While Telegram has long been praised for its strong stance on user privacy, this shift reflects growing pressure from governments for more transparency and accountability. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact Telegram’s reputation, but the transparency reports offer a glimpse into a more responsive and cooperative era for the app. #Telegram #Privacy #LawEnforcement #Transparency #DataSecurity

Telegram's Increased Data Disclosure to Authorities: A New Era of Transparency

Telegram has seen a notable shift in its approach to cooperating with law enforcement agencies worldwide. Following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov, the company has begun sharing more user data with authorities. A recent transparency report reveals that in 2024, Telegram provided U.S. law enforcement with the IP addresses and phone numbers of 2,253 users, responding to 900 requests. This marks a stark increase from just 14 similar requests processed between January and September 2024.
The shift in Telegram's stance on data sharing comes after Durov's arrest in France, where he faced accusations of hindering child abuse investigations. After this event, Durov publicly acknowledged the company’s new policy of complying with government requests for user data, a significant change from their previous position of resisting such demands. While Durov's legal situation remains unresolved, it has led to a broader discussion about privacy and data security on the platform.
Telegram users worldwide have begun to share their country-specific data from the transparency reports. For example, the U.K. saw 142 requests affecting 293 users, while Germany had 945 requests leading to data disclosure for 2,237 users. In contrast, Russia made no requests, highlighting the differences in international law enforcement practices.
While Telegram has long been praised for its strong stance on user privacy, this shift reflects growing pressure from governments for more transparency and accountability. It remains to be seen how these changes will impact Telegram’s reputation,
but the transparency reports offer a glimpse into a more responsive and
cooperative era for the app.
#Telegram #Privacy #LawEnforcement #Transparency #DataSecurity
🚨CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL MINING!🚨 Malaysian Authorities Take Bold Action! - Destroyed 985 mining devices worth $450,000 - Confiscated during raids to combat electricity theft since 2022 - Estimated loss from illegal mining: $776 MILLION since 2018 Illegal mining will not be tolerated! Authorities are taking a strong stance against electricity theft and illegal mining operations. This decisive action aims to: - Protect the power grid - Prevent financial losses - Promote legal and sustainable mining practices #Malaysia #crackdown #illegalmining #sustainability #lawenforcement

Malaysian Authorities Take Bold Action!

- Destroyed 985 mining devices worth $450,000
- Confiscated during raids to combat electricity theft since 2022
- Estimated loss from illegal mining: $776 MILLION since 2018

Illegal mining will not be tolerated!

Authorities are taking a strong stance against electricity theft and illegal mining operations. This decisive action aims to:

- Protect the power grid
- Prevent financial losses
- Promote legal and sustainable mining practices

#Malaysia #crackdown #illegalmining #sustainability #lawenforcement
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