Telegram is about to force all mini-programs to use the Ton chain. TG mini-programs with large user traffic, such as Gomble Games in South Korea, have released web versions of their games in case too many TG mini-programs are transferred to the Ton chain. Highly concurrent on-chain transactions instantly crowd the Ton chain and cause it to crash.
Public chain crashes are nothing new. Many other chains, such as Solana, have experienced this. Last year, the Ton chain itself crashed once.
Ton chain developers must be prepared for a huge traffic impact. If they are well prepared, they can catch it steadily. If they are not well prepared, the traffic will go to the web version of these applications opened by Gomble Games, haha.
Of course, for games like Gomble Games that are mainly released on the Telegram platform, if they did not use the Ton chain at all in the past, even if the Ton chain would not crash due to transaction congestion, in order to preserve the assets that have been released on other chains, it seems that they have to jump out of the Telegram platform and re-release the web version of the game.
Telegram is requesting all mini apps to use Ton chain and I am a bit doubting if Ton chain can support the huge transaction traffic from millions of mini apps simultaneously. That's why Telegram mini apps like Gomble Games is launching a Web version for their games before switching from BSC/Arbitrum to Ton chain, just be prepared for when Ton chain crashes. Chain crash happens to many public chains like Solana and Ton chain itself earlier due to TPS/bandwidth/ tech limit. Get prepared, Ton devs. A huge user traffic is coming to your chain, or if the chain crashes, the traffic goes out to Web as below, lol. And for Telegram mini apps who totally didn't deploy on Ton chain before, it is inevitable to release a Web version for their games coz many game assets have been deployed on other chains.
@Ton Network #GombleGames #eggdrop