#pinetwork. Pi Network's current price is around $1.79 to $1.95 USD ¹. As for its listing on Binance, there hasn't been an official announcement yet. However, you can check the Pi Network's official social media channels or website for updates on potential listings.
*Pi Network's Recent Updates:*
- The Pi Network team has been actively working on improving the platform's functionality and user experience.
- They've also been engaging with the community, addressing concerns and gathering feedback.
Keep in mind that cryptocurrency prices and listings can be highly volatile and subject to change. Always do your own research and consider multiple sources before making any investment decisions.
$XRP $SOL *Important Reminder:* Buying and selling cryptocurrencies, including Pi Network, carries inherent risks and market volatility. Please make sure to do your own research, set a budget, and never invest more than you can afford to lose. *Buy and sell at your own risk.*
#Binance #CRIPTOHINDUSTAN #pi #BinanceSquareFamily $ETH