As of December 21, 2024,
#XRPš is trading at around $2.37.
XRP price predictions for the end of 2024 vary depending on analysts and market conditions.
Some experts expect the price to reach $3.00 by the end of the year, given the steady adoption of Ripple technology for international transactions and the recovery of the cryptocurrency market.
Other forecasts indicate a possible increase to $2.98, with a minimum price of around $1.95.
At the same time, some analysts believe that
#XRPš could reach $6.00 by the end of December 2024, based on technical analysis and market trends.
However, it is worth considering that the cryptocurrency market remains highly volatile, and accurate predictions are difficult.
Factors such as regulatory changes, adoption of Ripple technology by financial institutions, and general market trends can significantly affect the price of XRP.
Therefore, investors are advised to closely monitor market developments and make informed decisions.