Let's talk some truth series 1
For retail investors like us, buying contracts in the secondary market is a dead end!
The reason has been mentioned before. We are far weaker in terms of funds, strength and information than those dog dealers and exchanges.
I have repeatedly emphasized to everyone that you should not play with contracts. Play with contracts in one way.
So how can retail investors make money in the currency circle? It is a new track!
Only the newer the track, the more chances you have to make big money!
Because the big dealers and so-called traders in the new track have not yet formed or cannot influence the market, so this kind of place is where we can make money!
For example, runes, inscriptions, and runes.
Secondly, there is also buying and keeping some $BTC $ETH $BNB.
On the one hand, the value of these coins is recognized by countless people in the currency circle. On the other hand, with these coins, you can often get some free airdrops through staking and other methods. This must be more beneficial than harmful for us!
Finally, in the currency circle, only the less anxious you are, the faster you can make big money.
Hope we can encourage each other
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