#كل Someone who trades in digital currencies should know this information.
#تعلم To buy digital currency.
Step (1):
Check the number of digital currency and its trading volume (USTD trading volume).
Note: There is no currency called
for example:
The number of coins X is 400T and the trading volume is (50T Do you know what its price is? In the meantime, I will tell you how we know the price. We do a simple calculation, which is dividing the number of USTD by the number of currency in circulation.
5000000 USTD
5000000000000 X
0.000001 is the price of currency X.
At this time, I advise you to invest in the amount of 200$ , but you must know that this investment has long-term results after 5 years of purchase.
Perhaps a day after you buy the currency.
This is related to USDT trading volume in X coin
If the USTD volume rises to 2B, the price of X coin will definitely be great.
Step (2)
In the next post.........
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