The stock market is inflated and danger may be on the way. The number of investors reached 8 million. Even on the street, the stock market is talked about.

There are companies whose share values ​​have increased excessively even though their financial data is not good at all. Companies that even banks do not give loans to because they have high debts are offered to the public. While companies need to pay off their debts with the money coming from citizens, a significant portion of this money goes into the pockets of the partners.

In addition, a significant portion of the transactions in the stock market are credit transactions. When interest rates continue to increase, these loans will be asked to be closed. Naturally, the existing shares will be sold. This situation will necessarily cause selling pressure in the stock market.

Apart from companies with good financial statements, it is extremely important to take profits in order not to fall prey to the stocks of companies with over-inflated prices and excessive debt. Greed always leads to losses in financial markets. If you want to jump on the train again when the correction comes, you do so by increasing the number of your shares.

You can watch my 1-minute short video on this subject, which I shot on October 11, 2023, at buraya tıklayarak.

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